We introduce a large scale MAchine Reading COmprehension dataset, which we name MS MARCO. The dataset comprises of 1,010,916 anonymized questionssampled from Bing's search query logs-each with a human generated answer and 182,669 completely human rewritten generated answers. In addition, the dataset contains 8,841,823 passages-extracted from 3,563,535 web documents retrieved by Bing-that provide the information necessary for curating the natural language answers. A question in the MS MARCO dataset may have multiple answers or no answers at all. Using this dataset, we propose three different tasks with varying levels of difficulty: (i) predict if a question is answerable given a set of context passages, and extract and synthesize the answer as a human would (ii) generate a well-formed answer (if possible) based on the context passages that can be understood with the question and passage context, and finally (iii) rank a set of retrieved passages given a question. The size of the dataset and the fact that the questions are derived from real user search queries distinguishes MS MARCO from other well-known publicly available datasets for machine reading comprehension and question-answering. We believe that the scale and the real-world nature of this dataset makes it attractive for benchmarking machine reading comprehension and question-answering models.
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Protein structure prediction is a fundamental problem in computational molecular biology. Classical algorithms such as ab-initio or threading as well as many learning methods have been proposed to solve this challenging problem. However, most reinforcement learning methods tend to model the state-action pairs as discrete objects. In this paper, we develop a reinforcement learning (RL) framework in a continuous setting and based on a stochastic parametrized Hamiltonian version of the Pontryagin maximum principle (PMP) to solve the side-chain packing and protein-folding problem. For special cases our formulation can be reduced to previous work where the optimal folding trajectories are trained using an explicit use of Langevin dynamics. Optimal continuous stochastic Hamiltonian dynamics folding pathways can be derived with use of different models of molecular energetics and force fields. In our RL implementation we adopt a soft actor-critic methodology however we can replace this other RL training based on A2C, A3C or PPO.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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常规生成订单3及以上的数据张量。这些数据收集越来越大且增长。它们要么是张量字段(例如,图像,视频,地理数据),其中每个数据位置包含重要信息或排列不变的一般张量(例如,无监督的潜在空间学习,图形网络分析,建议系统等)。直接访问如此大的数据张量收集以获取信息已变得越来越令人难以置信。我们学习具有分解表示的近似全级和紧凑的张量草图,可提供紧凑的空间,时间和光谱嵌入量的张量场(P-SCT)和一般张量(P-SCT-Permute)。所有后续的信息查询都以高精度进行,在生成草图上进行。我们通过从张量切片的样品有效的子采样量构建张量图来产生任意阶数据张量的最佳级别-r tucker分解。我们的样本有效策略是通过使用与共轭先验的Dirichlet分布的适应性随机汤普森采样来学习的。
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宏位置是将内存块放在芯片画布上的问题。它可以在序列对上表达为组合优化问题,该表示形式描述了宏的相对位置。解决此问题尤其具有挑战性,因为目标功能评估昂贵。在本文中,我们通过序列对使用贝叶斯优化(BO)开发了一种新颖的方法来宏观放置。 BO是一种机器学习技术,它使用概率的替代模型和一个采集功能,可以平衡探索和开发以有效地优化黑盒目标函数。 BO比强化学习更有效率,因此可以与更现实的目标一起使用。此外,从数据中学习并将算法适应目标函数的能力使BO成为其他黑盒优化方法(例如模拟退火)的吸引人替代方法,该方法依赖于问题依赖性的启发式方法和参数调整。我们在固定外线宏观位置问题上基准了我们的算法,并具有半二级线长度目标,并表现出竞争性能。
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我们展示了一种简单,高效的“直接学习”方法来利用神经网络培训基于Volterra系列的数字预失真滤波器。我们使用64-QAM 64-GBaud模拟发射器显示出对传统训练方法的卓越性能,具有不同的发射器非线性和嘈杂的条件。
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